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  • hobbes


... hobbes

Hi Max, two questions concerning poor (or lucky) Паша:
– спалить / спалиться: all dictionaries have only the meaning to burn/torch sth. however here it must me catch or getting caught
– он не стал обращаться в полицию: why is it not к полиции? Would that be wrong here?

... hobbes

Hi Max and happy birthday for your podcast :). I especially like the variety of topics and formats. For me, podcasts would be especially helpful, which replay an everyday activity or situation, like shopping in a bookstore or grocery store, going to the movies or in a pub with friends, and which deal with the words and phrases connected with that activity. Similar to what you have done in the present podcast with your questions regarding your trip to asia.

Also a specific question: In this podcast you use the word круто/крутой a lot, while in another lesson you have used прикольниый. I understand that both mean generally “cool”, but is there a difference in meaning and usage?