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  • Jimmy Gee


... Jimmy Gee

Этой подкаст был очень интересной . Я обязательно буду читать Пикник на Обочине . Про слово “сталкр” , это звучит странно мне потому что я американец. Я знаю что в Англе “сталкр” означает охотник, но в США означает что-то плохой . Человек который следует за женщиной постоянно и может быть нападает ее.
Извините за мои ошибки . Давно не написал что-то по русский и я стараюсь сделать это вез всякий переводчик

... Jimmy Gee

I really enjoyed that podcast. It made me smile and struck me how many similar experiences and emotions I had in my youth in connection with a lot of the same bands, although I grew up in such a different place, (and a bit earlier in time), than you. Thanks for taking me down Memory Lane. I love the picture too! Is that you in the lower right corner, looking like Ozzy in the early Black Sabbath days? Awsome!!

... Jimmy Gee

I studied in Saratov. I got to visit Moscow, Peter, Kazan, and Volgagrad. I wish I had got to see more.

... Jimmy Gee

I apologize for writing in English but I don’t have a Cyrillic keyboard yet. I have been listening to your podcasts for a little over a year now, an what a crazy year it has been. I can’t imagine the stress you guys have been through. I do remember going through some of the same feelings you described when I lived abroad in Russia all those years ago. I was traveling under much happier circumstances, a study abroad program, but I remember kind of hitting a wall after a few months. You probably already know all this from your time in China, but I remember my host mom Tatyna Andrevna (God rest her soul) telling me that your brain needs rest. Don’t push yourself too hard learning Spanish. Take some time to relax. You obviously have a talent for languages and will pick it up soon enough. Congratulations to you both on the baby, and may God be with you.