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  • Moni


... Moni

Опять очень интересно! Пожалуйста, напишите название города, чтобы я могла найти его на карте. 🙂

... Moni

Мне очень понравился поход с вами, спасибо!
Было интересно узнать, что в Аргентине комары не пишат, в Средней Европе (Венгрия) они пишат, и это лучше, потому что их легче поймать. 🙂

... Moni

Thanks a lot for this episode, your interesting thoughts and open way of talking about problems.
It just understandable, this year was really stressful, especially for you both as expats, so all my respect for how strong you both are.
And I am glad you feel better now.
I really hope your things like job and projects will improve soon too, incl. Spanish – I am sure you both will master that together!

And can’t wait the NewYear’s show, which I will only be able to listen to an the 30th, but just even better because it will then make my (birth)day just perfect.

With love from Hungary

... Moni

Hi Max,
I have been listening to your podcasts and videos for a while, and woud like to know if is it possible to subscribe and get notificated about the new episodes (I haven’t found any so far in here).
I love your podcasts, and I understad almost everything – much more than I can speak -, so I can really not write in Russian or just very hard and slowly due to the special characters. I learned Russian at the time when we wrote with the hand, in the elementary school and highschool then broke totally unfortunately, but I have made it by now to come up with again – thanks a lot for the inspiration with your whole activity.

With love from Hungary