24 Responses

  1. Кайри says:

    Добротный подкаст Макс, как всегда. Отлично сделано, особенно при таких сложных условиях.
    Пора смотреть что-то угарное.
    И да, надо было заблокировать Трамп, и временно рисковать нарушение свободной речи. 😉
    Как мы говорим в США, « надо думать головой! «

    • Greg says:

      а потом однажды в будущем кто-то скажет “мы должны заблокировать Kiramegan”, и что вы тогда скажете?

      • Кайри says:

        Greg, Trump was very destructive. He had freedom of everything for 4 years and by the appraisal of many intelligent and professional people’s appraisal, abused his free speech. We have lists of things he said that were harmful to someone or some class of people.
        My comment was sarcastic. Just because Twitter bans you doesnt take away any freedom of speech. Twitter is a company and doesnt owe him a platform. He is so well off, he could make his own platform, or just go outside and shout. There.

        • Greg says:

          Kira, that is your opinion on Trump. I disagree with your opinion. I think the Democrats are far more destructive and dangerous. That is my opinion. The trouble is many liberals in America and the UK don’t think other people should be allowed to express their opinions.
          You say that Twitter is a private company and yet if conservatives build their own platform ie Parler that gets taken down too. The internet should be open to all to express their opinion but one side in the US thinks that only their opinion should be allowed to be expressed. How can you possibly have a democracy when political opponents are silenced? ‘He could just go outside and shout’. Presumably you’re not serious? And maybe the day will come when the tables are turned and it is your side that is silenced? Which was my point.

          • Kurt Porter says:

            Twitter and Facebook are indeed private companies and to use their services one has to follow the rules. Presumably, you’re a law and order kind of guy. All Trump had to do was follow the rules, or as conservatives are so fond of saying, “just comply.” He got a free pass for years while repeatedly breaking the rules of these commercial sites. Regarding why Parler was deplatformed: Parler was pulled from app stores run by Apple and Google and dropped by Amazon’s web hosting services after the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Parler was one of the platforms used by supporters of former President Donald Trump to plan and chronicle what happened that day. I guess you’re ok with social networks being used to plan and execute an insurrection? At the end of the day, there’s Fox, OAN and Newsmax, and a TON of right-wing online sites. Nobody is being canceled nor silenced. Josh Hawley claimed the media was trying to silence him the other day. This while being hosted by the Washington Post so he could promote his book! Please spare us your victim mentality.

            • Greg says:

              “I think that the ban of Donald Trump on Twitter is an unacceptable act of censorship”

              “In my opinion, the decision to ban Trump was based on emotions and personal political preferences.”

              “Don’t tell me he was banned for violating Twitter rules. I get death threats here every day for many years, and Twitter doesn’t ban anyone”

              “Of course, Twitter is a private company, but we have seen many examples in Russian and China of such private companies becoming the state’s best friends and the enablers when it comes to censorship.”

              “If you replace “Trump” with “Navalny” in today’s discussion, you will get an 80% accurate Kremlin’s answer as to why my name can’t be mentioned on Russian TV and I shouldn’t be allowed to participate in any elections.”

              “This precedent will be exploited by the enemies of freedom of speech around the world. In Russia as well. Every time when they need to silence someone, they will say: ‘this is just common practice, even Trump got blocked on Twitter’.”

              Alexey Navalny


              (As a side issue, I’m sure on reflection you might consider whether you should work on your tone)

          • Greg. There was and is zero evidence of election fraud. The American electoral system is a state centric, non-homogenous system but each state has a set of deeply established procedures to ensure vote count.

            Donald Trump made up the lie. He was the only one who came up with it and then he sent his truly incompetent proxies (Rudy Giuliana and Sydney Powell as prime examples of people who got nothing right and Powell wound up claiming that her words were so crazy that no one would believe them… Huh??? Yes. That happened.)

            Unfortunately the one literally incredible skill DJT has is to get his massive following to believe his words with zero proof.

            The election was 8 million votes apart. Where did those 8 million votes come from? Really easy. The Dems were ultra motivated and factually represent a slightly greater percent of the population. Factually.

            Then there were millions of anti Trump Republicans. People who know he’s a con, a thief, a rapist and a business failure, a tax cheat and a horrible bully who acts like a fifth grader who would be expelled from any school.

            They are real people. They also voted for Republicans down ticket which is why… Duh…. The house wasnt a Dem blowout.

            So these are basic facts.

            Then the loser screams to his followers and yes, tells them to riot. That is what he did. And yes it was a riot and no, the summer riots were not the same because they didn’t plan to murder congress people (factually), they didn’t plan to stop the peaceful transfer of power and they weren’t done at the behest of the President (and look at the affidavits of the Trump mob who are in jail thee vast majority of them claiming that Trump told them to do it)

            They murdered a copband put other cops in trauma. They beat them with pipes and flag poles so no, they weren’t being rhetorical screaming “hang Mike pence”.

            Its really strange to hear these comments on a site where we are learning Russian. This is a super high level of mental work, decision making to do it and just in general a place in would imagine that only a person of ay least a reasonable analytical depth would come.

            Notice I didn’t mention that I would think that person couldn’t be a Right leaning American thinker – that was in purpose. Trumpism requires non thinking. It requires giving up analysis. It requires accepting that bold lies are real and that easy to debunk ideas are actually valid.

            I am kind of shocked to see an American as open minded and deep that they want to learn Russian parroting Trumpist lies.

            • Greg says:

              Mark. Why have you spent more than half of that lengthy post making an argument against there having been election fraud when I never mentioned the subject once?

              Did I say the Capitol riot wasn’t a riot?

              The entirety of my posts were on the subject of political censorship and the third post was entirely a series of Alexey Navalny quotes.

              If you’re going to claim shock over someone ‘parroting Trumpist lies’ then you might just read what the person said to see if that’s actually what he did before making the accusation.

  2. Привет Макс!
    Спасибо за интересный, но мрачный подкаст. Война ужасна, война никогда не является преимуществом для обычных людей. У меня нет врагов в России. Я выросла во время холодной войны. Я помню, как мы испугались.
    В справочнике для диктаторов есть такой совет: Если на вас давят дома, придумайте внешнего врага, против которого вы сможете сплотить народ.
    Макс Вы думаете, что люди ответственные за политику своей страны? Я думаю, что они несут определенную ответственность.
    Я считаю своим долгом знать, что происходит в моей стране. Знайте, что делает и чего не делает правительство. На этом фоне, я голосую на выборах.
    Популярность Путина падает, но тем не менее, президент все еще очень популярен. Я понимаю, что в России нет реальной оппозиции, но есть выборы. Люди могут бойкотировать выборы. Например люди проголосовали за конституционную поправку Путина. Если бы люди не были довольны президентом, они могли бы бойкотировать конституционную поправку.

    • Max says:

      Привет, Эльза!
      Люди, конечно, ответственны, но мне сложно определить степень этой ответственности.
      В одном из будущих подкастов я поговорю о влиянии личности (выдающихся людей) на историю и на происходящее.
      Спасибо за комментарий)

  3. Джим says:

    Привет, Макс!
    Мы с женой любым слушать твой подкаст! Спасибо большое.
    Джим (и его жена, Гвен, которая хотела бы сказать “привет” Юлие) 🙂

  4. Chad Andrews says:

    Привет Макс, Как всегда спасибо за интересный и полезный подкаст. Трудно говорить о политике но я рад что ты это сделал. Обычно, я не говорю с русскими партнерами о политике. Иногда, трудно остаться равнодушным. Один партер сказал что США не имеет право вмешаться в Украине и в Тайване. Чад.

  5. gideonsix says:

    Привет Макс! Спасибо большое за твои слова. Они были очень интересные и очень своевременные. Но кажется что вчера Россия начала уменьшать свои силы на границе Украины, и также Навални прекратил свою голодовку. Новости так быстро меняются! -Алекс

    • Max says:

      Привет, Алекс!
      Новости – вещь приходящая и уходящая, это правда=) Но общая тенденция меня не очень радует :\
      Противостояние нарастает и власти России будто бы постоянно “закручивают гайки” (в смысле постоянно что-то ограничивают).

  6. Jenna says:

    Привет, Макс – Большое спасибо за интересный подкаст. Что особенно привлекло моё внимание есть сколько наши американские СМИ описывают ситуацию между Россией и США по-другому. Типичная история мы получаем из американских СМИ есть что Россия делает что-то провокационное, США отвечает санкциями, потом Россия отвечает чем-то, и.т.д, и через некоторое время ситуация стабилизируется. На самом деле американские СМИ редко сообщают что происходить в России и не слышала обсуждения о возможности войны. Я не могу представить нынешнее правительство хотелo бы начать войну. Я полностью согласна что в войне нет победивших.

  7. cambusken says:

    Итак, Пётр был прав? 🤔

  8. Kurt Porter says:

    Привет Макс! Отличный сайт и у тебя всегда шикарный материал! Я очень благодарен за такой уровень профессионализма. Продолжай работать в этом духе, плиз! 🙂 🙂

  9. Molly Exten says:

    Темы этого эпизода оказались предвидящими, к сожалению.

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