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  • Ronald Hunter


... Ronald Hunter

Какие замечательные новости. Вы, ребята, красивая пара и теперь красивая семья. Я хотела сообщить вам, что муж моей дочери живет в Аргентине. (По крайней мере, пока моя дочь не получит визу.) Он там, в Буэнос-Аресе, так что если вам что-то нужно или просто нужен аргентинский друг, дайте мне знать.

... Ronald Hunter

I could not get the audio to download. I get a download error – it says the file is truncated.

... Ronald Hunter

I went back to the beginning to listen because this is the easiest episode to listen to on Spotify. You’ve done a lot of living in 4 years. I knew there were lots of reasons I like you. My son is an IT administrator (except he likes it.) Take care.

... Ronald Hunter

I have a lot of theories about life. This one I have gathered much evidence for in my life. Things that are not ordinary in our reality; things that are different or strange; we fear these things. I think this is biological. So, it is natural to fear homosexuals. I was that way when I was young. You two are educated. You have been to universities where homosexuals are more open about their identity. This was my experience. I was in the university band and so we had many, many homosexuals. As you experience them you lose your fear. A good analogy is the fear of spiders or snakes. Once you learn, you know when not to be afraid. I had not heard of this company nor of this controversy. So, thanks for the story and I learned many new words today!

... Ronald Hunter

A good story about knowing your audience. The American car company Chevrolet decided to introduce one of its cars to South American. In English the car is called a Nova – it means a bright star. They took it to South American and used the same name. The problem is that no va – means “no go” in Spanish and the car was a failure down there.

So, know your audience.

... Ronald Hunter

Для этого комментария мне пришлось воспользоваться переводчиком. Это увлекательная история. Я слушал с большим интересом. Мне жаль, если вы даже не можете посмотреть на лесбийскую пару, не обидевшись, тогда ваш разум в канаве. Вы идете по кроличьей тропе, думая о том, что они занимаются сексом. У нас в Хьюстоне много гомосексуалистов. У меня много друзей-гомосексуалистов. Конечно, я этого не понимаю, и это действительно странно для меня, но они просто люди. Многие из них гораздо более приятные люди, чем натуралы.

... Ronald Hunter

Max, I have 61 years of unnecessary crap. I even have a Tony Robbins lecture. Except it is on cassette tape! He says some good things so someday, I will turn these tapes into MP3’s.

So, thank you for not trying to sell me any unnecessary crap!

I know Yulya says you are a nerd, but I think you are a very thoughtful young man. You really want to help people learn your language. I see this and it is why you are my favorite online teacher.

So, keep up the good work. I was very impressed by your podcast on drug addiction. It shows that you care about people. It is a wonderful quality.

... Ronald Hunter

Max, you are my favorite online teacher. I would say that after you is Daria. I love her silly TPRS podcast. It’s good that you are friends and working together.

... Ronald Hunter

Max, I thought Moscow would be like a major city in the US. I felt much safer on the Moscow streets than I would in New York or Philadelphia. The stereotype for Americans is “the Russian Mafia!” I heard so many warnings about the Russian Mafia. It was like a needed a kevlar vest for my kidneys.