5 Responses

  1. Hi Max, I have a question for which you might not have an answer: We are supposed to have comprenhensive interesning active listening in order to master a language. The problem is that we will not understand a podcast 100% but until we listen to it at least 2 or 3 times and it is when the podcast becomes totally comprenhensive. But after listening the podcast three or more times it becomes boring, I mean not very interesting because we already learned what the podcast is all about. So this is a point where a podcast turns comprenhensive but stops being interesting because to listen to it many times is actually boring. So how do you deal with this problem? Shall we listen to each podcast 3 or 4 times and then move into another one? Latter we might come back to the same podcast and listen to it another 2 or 3 times which would be interesting again because we might have forgotten some of the details and words. Do you think this is a good approach? I just think that listening to a podcast 10 times in one same week is boring; that is to say it becomes about 100% comprenhensive but not interesting any more.

    • Max says:

      Рональд, привет!
      Меня тоже беспокоил этот вопрос и я помню что Стив Кауфманн тоже затрагивал этот вопрос.
      Конечно, в идеале лучше повторять несколько раз, однако…
      Если ты понимаешь 80+% и тебе ОЧЕНЬ скучно и не хочется переслушивать подкаст, то ты можешь (как ты и написал) послушать его позже, когда ты немного забудешь его.
      Я думаю, что самое важное – это регулярность и интерес. В любом случае, даже если ты не будешь переслушивать подкаст, твоё восприятие на слух будет становиться лучше и лучше.
      Я бы предложил тебе “брать количеством”, то есть слушать больше разного материала, тогда будет больше вариаций того, что можно переслушать.
      Каждый из нас индивидуален, поэтому нет какого-то универсального рецепта.
      Кстати, именно поэтому я в последнее время делаю “мембершип подкасты”, чтобы слушатели могли послушать объяснения слов, а потом послушать эти же слова в короткой истории.
      Пиши, если будут какие-то вопросы!

      • Hi Max, I have a question for which you might not have an answer: We are supposed to have comprenhensive interesning active listening in order to master a language. The problem is that we will not understand a podcast 100% but until we listen to it at least 2 or 3 times and it is when the podcast becomes totally comprenhensive. But after listening the podcast three or more times it becomes boring, I mean not very interesting because we already learned what the podcast is all about. So this is a point where a podcast turns comprenhensive but stops being interesting because to listen to it many times is actually boring. So how do you deal with this problem? Shall we listen to each podcast 3 or 4 times and then move into another one? Latter we might come back to the same podcast and listen to it another 2 or 3 times which would be interesting again because we might have forgotten some of the details and words. Do you think this is a good approach? I just think that listening to a podcast 10 times in one same week is boring; that is to say it becomes about 100% comprenhensive but not interesting any more.

        Thank you for your whole answer Max. Right, we all are different in the way we learn. I get bored after 4 times of reading a podcast bu of course if some one finds a podcast interesting as to read it up to 10 or even 15 times, he can go ahead, he would sure be memorizing it. I must confess this was the way I learned English as my second language. I was totally convinced that a language had to be memorized in order to be spoken fluently. But Russian seems not to work in such way… I think it is impossible and unnecessary to memorize the Russian language. To get the language into our subconscious (like you say) seems more like the right way and my hope to learn to speak Russian well. Thank you for all your interesting podcasts and your fun teaching Max! lol

        • Max says:

          Давай, Рональд, удачи! Как и в моём случае с китайским, пусть иногда и медленно, но мы движемся вперёд! =)

  2. Molly Exten says:

    Я уже больше 10 изучаю русский язык и могу сказать, что, хотя я понимаю правилы видов глаголов, использовать их правильно в речи — совсем другое дело!!! 😜

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